Why you make dis?

Why you make dis?

Hey, Beef heads I'm Unstable King. 

It's 2020 and a worldwide disease has come and shut down my current business; an arcade I built that I took to events, festivals and places around Europe. I decide I need a new project and as I've always loved playing around on Photoshop I decide to make some stuff.

I'm a big believer in physical media. I completely embrace the digital world and love the instant access and choice it brings. But what I don't like is how often films / series / anime and music would get lost to me in a kind of digital abyss. I'd watch something that would move me, inspire me or just be awesome and a year later it's not in my mind anymore, three years later someone mentions it and I can't remember if I've listened to/seen it.

This is when I decided to make physical, playable pieces that I can keep on a shelf so the memories of how this stuff effected me stay more present. I also love connecting modern media to the past and make stuff that is so niche it just wouldn't be made otherwise.


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